what is ivf?


The IVF process combines eggs from the woman and sperm from the man to create embryos outside the body. An embryo transfer places an embryo in the uterine cavity to implant and become a pregnancy.

A mother hold her baby closely and kissing it.

Understanding IVF


POMA doctors offer individualized treatment protocols and tracking for ideal eggs.

POMA Fertility doctors and embryologists coordinate the choice of lab procedures for the best embryo development.

POMA encourages individual choice of fresh and frozen embryo transfer.

POMA offers a unique refund program for people without insurance coverage to reduce financial stress

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a process that helps people have a baby when they have trouble getting pregnant naturally. Here are the main steps involved in IVF, explained in a way easy to understand:

Medication: The woman injects hormones (fertility drugs) to help their body mature more eggs than usual.

Monitoring: The medical team tracks your response to fertility drugs and decides when the eggs are ready to come out.

Egg retrieval: When the eggs are mature, the doctor removes them from the woman’s ovaries using a small needle, called an egg retrieval.

Sperm collection: The partner or a donor supplies a sperm sample. The lab washes the sperm free from the fluid and prepares them for IVF.

Fertilization: In the lab, the embryologists combine the eggs and sperm. The lab places the sperm and eggs together in a dish or injects a single sperm directly into an egg. The goal is for the sperm to fertilize the egg and create an embryo.

Embryo development: The fertilized eggs, now called embryos, grow and develop in the lab for a few days.

Embryo selection: We chose the best-looking embryo for transfer. This helps increase the chance of asuccessful pregnancy.

Embryo transfer: The doctor places the selected embryo into the woman’s uterus using a thin tube called a catheter. The procedure is gentle and quick.

Pregnancy test: After about two weeks, the woman takes a pregnancy test to discover if the IVF process succeeded and she is pregnant. Remember, not all IVF cycles result in pregnancy, and sometimes a woman or couple needs multiple attempts. But for many people, IVF can be an effective way to have a baby.

To learn more about working with POMA Fertility, please schedule your consultation today, or give us a call at 425.822.7662


The success rate of IVF varies with many factors. The age and health of the patients as well as the number and quality of the embryos are most important. Patient features vary between IVF practices. Check our professional society website for details. POMA Fertility was chosen as one of the 100 best fertility clinics in the US by Newsweek Magazine.

IVF success rates get calculated in several ways. The most important number is the live birth rate. You should also look at the rate per started cycle because not all cycles result in an embryo transfer. You want to know before you start treatment how likely it is that one of the embryos will give you a live birth. Each IVF cycle start may end before egg retrieval or embryo transfer. Some cycles create many embryos and some cycles no embryos. Usually, the more embryos you have then the more likely at least one live birth. IVF clinics differ in their policy for embryo management. For example, the total US rate for having no embryos to transfer is 16% (range of 6-39% by age group). POMA’s rate is 5% (range of 2-24% by age group).

Are there any additional IVF procedures?


PGT (preimplantation genetic testing) is an IVF procedure to screen embryos for genetic conditions before embryo transfer. PGT helps identify embryos with genetic disorders such as Down syndrome or cystic fibrosis. See PGT service page.

Sex Selection for Family Balancing takes advantage of the PGT information. PGT reveals the sex of each embryo, which could be used to select the preferred sex of the baby. Sex selection is controversial given the preferences of some societies.

Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESE) allows us to get sperm from men who have a blockage in the sperm cord (vas deferens). A common cause of blockage is vasectomy. We perform the procedure in the office with sedation.

Assisted Hatching procedures make a small hole in the shell (zona pellucida) around the embryo. The hope is that the hole makes the shell weaker for the embryo to break out. PGT uses AH to remove cells for testing.

How many embryos to transfer?


Our mutual goal is a single healthy baby per embryo transfer. Multiple births complicate pregnancy with high blood pressure and diabetes for Mom. Mom may also have early labor and hospital bedrest for weeks. Baby complications include stillbirth, neonatal death, autism, birth defects, cerebral palsy and learning disabilities.

Do fresh or frozen embryo transfers work better?


Fresh embryo transfer was the standard procedure before PGT. PGT requires embryo freeze because the results take 2-3 weeks to return.

Many clinics now recommend PGT with freeze-all for embryos to ensure transfer of a euploid embryo. Poma offers this option too, if patients want euploid embryo transfer. However, the cycle costs are higher because now you also need a frozen embryo transfer cycle. Research results are mixed, but they do not prove the cumulative success rate is better with embryo freeze-all. We offer fresh transfer because the risks of an abnormal baby are no greater than a natural or IUI conception. The best-looking embryo is euploid about 75% of the time.

What IVF complications can occur?


IVF may cause complications. Here are common IVF complications explained in simple language:

Multiple pregnancies: IVF increases the chances of multiple births when we transfer more than one embryo. Multiple pregnancies increase complications during pregnancy and delivery.

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS): occurs when the ovaries become swollen and painful after hormone stimulation. Severe cases (1-2%) may require abdomen fluid removal.

Emotional and financial stress: IVF can be emotionally and financially stressful, especially if IVF is not successful.

Please note that while complications may occur, most IVF procedures are successful and result in healthy pregnancies and babies. We believe that most complications come from infertility itself rather than treatments for infertility.

Standard IVF Cycle Package
One egg retrieval
Fertilization of eggs
One Fresh Transfer
Embryo cryopreservation and up to 1 year of storage
or $14,800 with
eCheck discount
IVF Freeze All Cycle Package
One egg retrieval
Fertilization of eggs
Embryo cryopreservation and up to 1 year of storage
or $13,000 with
eCheck discount
IVF Freeze All + Biopsy for Genetic Testing Cycle Package
One egg retrieval
Fertilization of eggs
Embryo biopsy
Embryo cryopreservation and up to 1 year of storage
or $15,200 with
eCheck discount